Class Schedule
Week 1: January 23
Introduction and overview.
Week 2: January 30
In which we gain an initial understanding of
the contours of representation in Washington, and how it fits with American
- Madison, Federalist #10
- Kay Lehman Schlozman and John T. Tierney, Organized Interests and American Democracy, 1986, Chapter 2
- Kay Lehman Schlozman, Sidney Verba, and Henry Brady, The Unheavenly Chorus, 2012, Chapter 11
- “Who cares about the lobbying agenda?” Kimball et al, Interest Groups & Advocacy, May 2012
Week 3: February 6
In which we think about political conflict
E.E. Schattschneider, The Semisovereign
People, 1960, Chapter
Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz,
“Two Faces of Power.” 1962, American
Political Science Review, 947-952
Andrew S. McFarland, Neopluralism, 2004, Chapters 2-4 + pp. 124-132
Week 4: February 13
In which we try to make some
sense of the “political process” and the role of lobbyists in it
John Kingdon, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, 1984, Chapters 1, 4, 8-9.
Steven Teles, “Kludgeocracy: The American Way
of Policy,” New America Foundation, December 2012
Harold Meyerson, “Did the Founding Fathers
Screw Up?” the American Prospect,
September 26, 2011
Week 5: February 20
In which we
examine how Congress works, and some reasons it might be susceptible to
- Douglas Arnold, The Logic of
Congressional Action, 1990 Chapters 1-2,4
- Morris Fiorina, Congress: Keystone
of the Washington Establishment, 1989, Chapter 5
- David A. Fahrenthold “Even in an era of budget cuts, these government
programs won’t die,” Washington Post, April 20, 2011
Week 6: February 27
In which we explore how political
organizations form and maintain themselves
- Mancur Olson, The
Logic of Collective Action, 1965, Chapters 1-2;
- Jack Walker, “Mobilizing Interest Groups in America,” Chapters 3 &
Week 7: March 6
In which we evaluate the
old adage that “there are only two things that matter in politics: money, and I
forget the other thing.”
- Lawrence Lessig, Republic, Lost,
2011, Chapters 10 & 14
- Stephen Ansolabehere, John de
Figueiredo, and James M. Snyder, Jr., “Why Is There So Little
Money in Politics,” Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 2002
Week 8: March 13
In which we investigate
the role of policy and political information and framing.
- Richard Hall and Alan Deardorff, “Lobbying as Legislative Subsidy,” American Political Science Review, 2006
- Lorelei Kelly, “Congress’ Wicked Problem: Seeking Knowledge Inside the
Information Tsunami,” New America Foundation, December 2012
Kent Weaver and Andrew Rich, “Advocates and
Analysts: Think Tanks and the Politicization of Expertise,” in Allen J. Cigler and Burdett Loomis, eds.,
Interest Group Politics, 5th Edition, 1998
March 19: NO
Week 9: March 27
In which we take a trip
through the revolving door
- Revolving Door Working Group, “A Matter of Trust: How the Revolving Door
undermines Public Confidence in Government – And What to Do About It,” 2005,
pp. 1-47
- Rogan Kersh, “State Autonomy and Civil Society: The Lobbyist
Connection,” Critical Review, 2001
- Barack Obama Executive
Order on Ethics
Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, 2009
- OMBWatch, “Nonprofits and Obama’s Lobbying Rules,” 2009
Week 10: April 3
In which we explore how
lobbyists influence the second and third branches of the federal government and
see how passage of a bill is merely the beginning of a new fight
- Suzanne J. Piotrowksi and David H. Rosenbloom, “The Legal-Institutional
Framework for Interest Group Participation in Federal Administrative
Policymaking,” in Paul S. Hernson, Ronald G. Shaiko, and Clyde Wilcox, The Interest Group Connection, 2nd
Edition, 2005
- Scott Furlong, “Exploring Interest Group Participation in Executive
Policymaking”, in Paul S. Hernson, Ronald G. Shaiko, and Clyde Wilcox, The Interest Group Connection, 2nd
Edition, 2005
- Karen O’Connor, “Lobbying the Justices or Lobbying for Justice?” in Paul S. Hernson, Ronald G. Shaiko, and
Clyde Wilcox, The Interest Group
Connection, 2nd Edition, 2005
- Eric Patashnik, Reforms at Risk,
2009. Chapter 9
Week 11: April 10
In which we look into
some lobbying organizations with more detail
- Kelly D. Patterson and Matthew M. Singer, “Targeting Success: The
Enduring Power of the NRA,” in Allen
J. Cigler and Burdett Loomis, eds., Interest Group Politics, 7th Edition,
- Peter L. Francia, “Protecting America’s Workers in Hostile Territory:
Unions and the Republican Congress,” in Paul S. Hernson, Ronald G. Shaiko, and
Clyde Wilcox, The Interest Group
Connection, 2nd Edition, 2005
- John C. Green and Mathan S. Bigelow: “The Christian Right Goes to
Washington,” in Paul S. Hernson, Ronald G. Shaiko, and Clyde Wilcox, The Interest Group Connection, 2nd
Edition, 2005
Week 12: April 17
In which we ask: Are we doomed?
Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson,
“Winner-Take-All Politics: Public
Policy, Political Organization, and the Precipitous Rise of Top Incomes in the
United States,” Politics & Society,
Jonathan Rauch, Government’s End: Why Washington Stopped Working, 1999, Chapter 4
David Boaz. “The Lobbyist Scandals,”
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, January
15, 2006
Week 13: April 24
…Or is there hope yet?
- Nick Allard,
“Lobbying is an Honorable Profession: The Right to Petition and the Competition
to be Right.” Stanford Law and Policy
Review, 2008.
- Lee Drutman, “Evaluating Reforms of Lobbying and Money in
Politics,” New Directions in Interest
Groups, forthcoming
- Lee Drutman, “A Better Way to Fix Lobbying,” Issues in Governance Studies, The Brookings Institution, 2011
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